KEISOKKI KOGYO CO. LTD. is based in JAPAN. This company established in 1934. KEISOKKI Company has wide experience on textile instruments and textile tchnology. KEISOKKI is famous for its instruments reliability, quality, durability and accuracy. KEISOKKI engineers are well trained in textile theory. They are very well explain use of instruments and application suitable for customer. Keisiokki producing textile testing instruments for measuring quality and defects in fiber, sliver, roving and yarn. These instruments providing enough information to solve real problem in the textile process before final product execute to the customer. Keisokki director's focus is not giving beautiful machines, but giving accurate, reliable and easy operating machines.
Details of products :
TRICHORD FLEX - YARN CLEARER with Foreign Matters Clearer. This clearer is window based, touch screen and fully computerized. Yarn clearer is two types (i.e. Capacitive & Optical). In addition foreign fiber detection sensor can be install on any kind of keisokki yarn clearer sensor. It can use with all kind of Manual as well as Automatic winding machines. Operating count range is from Nec1.6 to Nec 320.
KEISOKKI KOGYO CO. LTD. is based in JAPAN. This company established in 1934. KEISOKKI Company has wide experience on textile instruments and textile tchnology. KEISOKKI is famous for its instruments reliability, quality, durability and accuracy. KEISOKKI engineers are well trained in textile theory. They are very well explain use of instruments and application suitable for customer. Keisiokki producing textile testing instruments for measuring quality and defects in fiber, sliver, roving and yarn. These instruments providing enough information to solve real problem in the textile process before final product execute to the customer. Keisokki director's focus is not giving beautiful machines, but giving accurate, reliable and easy operating machines.
Details of products :
TRICHORD FLEX - YARN CLEARER with Foreign Matters Clearer. This clearer is window based, touch screen and fully computerized. Yarn clearer is two types (i.e. Capacitive & Optical). In addition foreign fiber detection sensor can be install on any kind of keisokki yarn clearer sensor. It can use with all kind of Manual as well as Automatic winding machines. Operating count range is from Nec1.6 to Nec 320.
KET-80V/B - KEISOKKI EVENNESS TESTER. Keisokki Evenness tester is window based. KET80V/B instrument is the newest model for span yarn, roving & sliver. It gives THIN, THICK, NEPS, U%, CV%, DR%, CV(L), AVE., SPECTROGRAPH etc.
KET-80V/C & KET-QTV - KEISOKKI EVENNESS TESTER. This Evenness Tester is window based and fully computerized. This instrument is used for testing Filament yarn. KET80V/C is the newest model, which can test single yarn & KETQTV can test 4 yarns simultaneously. KET80V/C & KETQTV instrument gives U%, CV%, ½ Inert, Inert, AVE, CV(L), Spectrograph etc.
CFT-TRICHORD FLEX – YARN FAULT CLASSIFYING. CFT instrument is window based & measure long SLUB, THIN, THICK faults in the yarn. In this instrument, users can create their own classification limits. Faults can be collected to see the kind of fault. This instrument helps to see the efficiency of your yarn clearer and helps to decide setting condition in yarn clearer.
LST-V LASERSPOT. LST-V is window based. And it gives Hairiness amount, No. of hairs in yarn more than selected length(i.e.1 to 10mm), Diameter U% & CV%, AVE, CFT- Thin & Thick faults, Hairiness and Diameter diagram etc. This instrument is the unique in the world, which can detect yarn hairiness and diameter at the same position in real time mode. To measure actual hair length we use fractional diffraction principle. It has Laser beam to detect hairiness & diameter.
KCF- CLASSIFIBER. KCF is very simple, sturdy and compact instrument. KCF is used to measure yarn span length at 2.5% & 50%, UR%, Mean Length, Uniformity Index, Short Fiber Content, Fiber content at selective length and vice versa etc.
NATI- NEPS & TRASH INDICATOR. NATI is used to measure number of Neps & Trash. NATI can use to test SLIVER, ROVING & Raw Material for cotton or synthetic fiber. This instrument is user friendly and testing time is very less compare to other instruments.
Keisokki Count Determining System- TEXCAL V - This instrument gives 2.5% and 50% span length, Uniformity Ratio, Short Fiber Content %, Mean Length, UHM, UI etc. Instrument is very simple and user friendly. Also you can connect computer to store data.
All KEISOKKI instruments are easy to operate and user friendly. We have installed many instruments around the world. We have agents worldwide. If you need any further technical query or information on any instrument then please feel free to contact us. You can contact to nearest agent to get more information. If you could not able to reach them then you may contact us directly. We will definitely reply to your query and if need we will visit at your place.
Thanks and with kind anticipation.
Keisokki Sales & Service, Thailand
147/2 Ramkhamhaeng soi 112, Kwang sapansoong,
Khet sapansoong, Bangkok : 10240, Thailand (+66) 894591201, Fax no.: (+66) 2-373-1428
Head office :
KEISOKKI KOGYO CO. LTD.H.O. : 2-12-7, Meishin-cho, Amagasaki-shi, Hyogo-ken, 661-0021, JAPAN
Tel.:81-6-6428-7821, Fax: 81-6-6428-7825